60サイズ送料は関東地方一律600円(税込)、11,000円(税込)以上ご購入で関東地方送料無料            20歳未満の方の飲酒は法律で禁止されています

wineshopshimazaki starts soon !




Finally, we dicided to start Facebook page and Instagram introducing wines from newworld . It's still in preparation, but will be released soon.
We also have a fairly enthusiastic California wines.
also our sales maneger is stupidly californiawine geek!! so we have a good selection of California wines,
and Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Aussie, and New Zealand wines range from classic to natural,wide range of genres.
We would like to inform you wonderful wines from all over the world!
By the way, now we are preparing for start . stay tuned!
